Scott —
The Register: How to get an ATM PIN number in 15 guesses.
JWormSaver, a Java-based screensaver.

Fred —
Creating Junit Tests.

Keith —
Fortune's most admired company: Wal-Mart.

Commons Net 1.0.0 released.
AWStats 5.4, an open source web server logfile analyzer.

Philip —
Java impressions.

Martin —
When does a code editor become an IDE?
Office 11 Beta 2 Released, Then Yanked.

Ted —
Effective Enterprise Java (Architecture): Look for hook points.

My mom called on Friday, she spent a day at the hospital. They decided not to keep her and simply
go ahead with the surgery on Wednesday.
On February 23, 1896 — The Tootsie Roll was introduced by Leo Hirshfield.