Xmas Cards

6 min read


javaJava BluePrints Adventure Builder 1.0 Early Access Release.

macFetch FTP client gains Jaguar support.

blogLimited Edition Madonna iPod available.

javaPrint Documents Easily in Java.

javaJBrowser: Just Browsing.

javaLocalization Made Easy: XML Resource Bundles.


macNetscape 7.0.1 released.

blogNeill — Developerworks has a nice quick intro to aspect-oriented programming..

javaReview of Sitraka PerformaSure, a J2EE Performance Diagnosis Tool.

newsIs IBM Slowly and Surely Becoming ”Microsoft Two“?

news“Rift” in Liberty Alliance? Greatly Exaggerated, say Sun and Liberty.

javaJava Code Stack: Long-term Persistence.

pdaRIM Introduces New Java-Based Blackberry Wireless Handheld.

blogDanno — PMD for NetBeans/Forte.

blogPopularity Index: “Popdex”. A cross between DayPop and blogdex.

blogGreg — Google's #1 “Java To Go”.

blogDavid — Top 10 Signs You're An IntelliJ IDEA Zealot.

blogMatt — java.mobile.blogs.

blogRuss — I am a zombie.

blogMatt — IDEA vs. Eclipse.

javaJDownload v0.2 Released.

javaDynamic JAVA byte code generator, an open source project inspired by java.lang.reflect.Proxy, which can be used by JDO/ODMG or EJB implementations.

javaJava CLDC - Industrial Protocols.

netFrench put a name to the @ sign. arobase.

news58 Priests Demand Boston Cardinal's Resignation.


blogKen — Klip for java.blogs new blogs list.

blogPatrick — Scott McNealy interview in The Register.

blogFred — Ranking of ShareMe on blogging SuperNova. Come on Fred, you're not in the same league as Winer. You can be trusted. ;-)

macPeachpit Press and Borders to provide free passes to Macworld Expo.

netW3C Proposes XML Encryption, Decryption Specs.

windowsCSDiff 4.0.


newsInterview with Tim Perdue. GForge and behind the scenes at SourceForge.

javaThe Jetspeed Team announced the immediate availability of the Jetspeed Portal Server, version 1.4 Beta 2.

netOne Answer To Spam: Sell Your Interruption Time.

newsElcomSoft programmer takes stand.

blogDominic — Java WebServices confusion. My answer is here.


newsBluetooth in five minutes or bust.

pcAMD set to “Hammer” Intel.

newsMETA predicts Microsoft will offer Linux.

humorComing Soon! Gulf Wars!

phoneDespite the hype, mobile phones with cameras just won't click. Thanks, Jim


meVicki's taking the cats to the vet early in the morning, teeth cleaning. We had to stop feeding them around 8pm. As a result I've been dealing with a pair of starving cats all night long.

On a normal night they would have eaten and gotten right back to bed, but take the dishes away, and it's a whole other story.

I've been stalked and given the dirty looks for hours now.

Have you every tried to fix yourself a snack with a couple cats camped out in the middle of the kitchen floor?

Do they really think that staring at me will bring their food back?

I will not be assimilated… Must be strong.

blog Charles — Why Java will not get Macros.

blogJim —MyDomain.com down.

blogKeith — Windows Batch file information.

netKiwi techies push for .geek.nz domain name.


javaGet the inside track on J2EE architect certification.

javaTools of the trade: Jtest statically and dynamically analyzes your Java code.

javaJava Q&A: Mutable or immutable?

blogJames — JSR 201 thoughts and JSE.


usWe mailed most of our Christmas Cards yesterday, spawning 3 continents, 4 languages and 5 countries. Vicki still has a few left to send out.

meSince I was already in the mood, I figured I'd get an early start on my list of New Year's resolutions. So here it is:

  1. Lose 30 pounds in 30 days.
  2. Earn a second Ph. D. from home.
  3. Massively enlarge my penis.
  4. Make $$$ on the Internet.
  5. Invent a way to block spam, 100% guaranteed.

newsSklyarov testifies in copyright trial.

blogDominic — PalmOS for wireless Java development.

news100 Celebrities Sign Letter Opposing War in Iraq. Artists United To Win Without War. Sounds corny to me.

blogBob — Naming conventions for enterprise applications. Interesting…

javaJava Development Environment for Emacs 2.3.1, an IDE for Emacs.

blogHenri — JDJ Vol 7 Issue 12. No fair. I haven't received it yet! ;-)

javaJava Desktop for XWindow. JD4X is Java desktop for Linux x86 XWindow.

newsMore Ryder Drug Revelations. Drug, Interrupted.

pdaPocketC v5.0.2 has been released.

javaThe jSyncManager Project, an open source Java implementation of a HotSync-compatible protocol stack.

blogGraham — Electric XML vs. MSXML benchmark. CLR vs. JVM.

javaFast MD5 Implementation in Java.

javaIBM releases XML Parser for Java v4.1.2 performance upgrade for Linux.

phoneJava games to be worth over US$3 billion.

javaThe XP look and feel for Swing.

blog Seyed — Java Content Repository.

blogMike — javablogs.com updates.

On December 10 1901, The first Nobel prizes were awarded.