Blogger API
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LinuxWorld Conference & Expo. New York. 22-24 January 2003.
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Dominic — My first Struts book.
Yesterday, Dominic asked if I edit my posts by hand. Greg's response got me thinking about ways to streamline the process even further.
Since NewzCrawler implements the Blogger, MetaWeblog and MovableType APIs. I figured I might be able to post directly to my blog, and thus forgo my trusted text editor.
I first looked for the MetaWeblog API, but stop investigating once I discovered that W
hiner was behind it. I looked at the Blogger API next, which appeared to be just what I was looking for.I grabbed a copy of Apache's XML-RPC to handle the remote procedure calls thru a Servlet. And used the jTalk SqlQueryBean and Utility classes to handle all of the database work.
Less than 15 minutes later, I had successfully made my first blog entry via the NewzCrawler Blog Client. Here's a picture of the steps I took to bookmark from NewzCrawler directly to my scratchpad.
Cool beans!
Greg — Blogging Tip From Erik. Actually, thanks to you for making me rethink the whole process.
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Jim — Mid voyage blues. Russ in Amsterdam…
Fred —
Hey, I'm a Loyal Mac User, Too.
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