Work & Play

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All Work & Play

I'm flying to California tonight.

I'll be attending a Mac OS X Java kitchen at Apple on Thursday and Friday.

I'll also be spending all of next week at Imacination Software, working on a new exiting project.

Mac OS X 10.0

I've spend most of last weekend setting up OS X on my PowerBook. Lots of hurdles and wasted efforts. It reminded me of the kind of problems I've experienced with Windows-based installations over the years.

It should be interesting to see how productive I'll actually be using OS X for a whole week. I'm sure it'll make for an interesting test-run.

Firmware Nightmare

I've been hit by the disappearing RAM firmware bug. I am now 256MB short.

I just emailed McGlen inquiring about my options. I'll be talking to their technical support guy later on today.

Thankfully Glen Anderson is providing a DIMMCheck utility and is hard at work on a fix.

WrestleMania X-Seven

We watched the pay-per-view on Sunday night. I was a little disappointed as I was expecting a lot more flash and dash. Stone Cold turning heel was interesting but not all that surprising.