France and Them

2 min read


blogRuss — France and Me.

blogAnthony — France and Me. My mom lives in Montpellier. Small world.

macMac gurus continue to share Jaguar tips.

newsZenith's New HT Products.

newsThe lasting impact of 007's gadgets.

newsTech slump hits Comdex.

newsThis Is Your Computer on Brains.

javaJPEG EXIF meta-data extraction in Java.

newsArnie: “I did smoke a joint and I did inhale.”

blogCedric — J2EE / .Net Smackdown.

javaOpenEJB, an open source pre-built, self-contained, portable EJB container.

macXServe RAID Delayed until early 2003.

macApple Store coming to Bellevue, WA. It sure won't make the local CompuUSA happy, especially since Best Buy just opened a store too. I wonder where it'll be located.

newsComdex: Dell and HP PDAs slug it out amid sea of gadgets.

javaXLNT Utils, a freeware set of utilities which some added native functionality such as creating/reading symbolic and displaying system-tray icons.

javaJHelp, a shareware Java Help Content API.