
3 min read


javaDrJava, an open source IDE which supports interactive evaluation of expressions.

musicCopy protection on CDs is ‘worthless’. “if discs cost only a few dollars each, buying them might be preferable to spending the time and effort to make copies…” Hell, yeah!


macPowerBook G4 1GHz

javaThe Jakarta Commons CLI team is proud to announce the version 1.0 release of their simple API for working with command line arguments and options.

blogjavai18n — IntelliJ EAP #673 is out.


blogJeff — New version of JSR 14 Generics for Java…

blogDominic — Web app security and hacking books.

blogSean — “I installed the new version of SharpDevelop this morning. It's an open source IDE for C# and VB.NET.”

blogGreg — “Thinlet Beta5 is Out.”

macMicrosoft Office X 10.1.2 posted.

musicUSB Key-Sized MP3 Player With LCD Display.


meMy friend Frank, who lives in Palmer, sent me some pictures of the damages from last weekend's earthquake in Alaska.

windowsNewzCrawler v1.3.1 has been released.

javaTop Ten New Things You Can Do with NIO.

javaUsing Castor JDO for SQL Mapping.

macPosting Blogs To iDisk.

javaJSP navigation tag, a freeware menu tag.

javaGel Java IDE, a freeware Java and JSP IDE that runs natively under Windows.

javaAbleFtp, a shareware automated ftp client.

javaJOpenChart 0.94, an open source Java Toolkit and library for embedding charts into applications.

javaSafeJDBC 1.1, an open source Java library that simplifies the use of JDBC.

windowsMS Releases .NET Source, Sort Of.

javaDiagnosing Java code: Decoupling package dependencies.

javaJava execs eye this week's J2EE 1.4 beta release.

blogDominic — “Books, books, books…

blogRuss — “Why are you reading this blog?To sum up: Russ is an insane Republican who only raves about .NET.:-P