J2EE Tutorials

2 min read

meI had a terrific chest & shoulders workout late last night. How do I know? I can't move my arms. I've been walking around like a penguin all day long.

macMacCentral: Macworld Expo moves to Boston; Apple will not go.

javaJUnitEE 1.5.1 released.

linuxLinux Journal Announces Winners of 8th Annual Readers' Choice Awards.

blogIn response to Mike's reader question, here's a list of the few J2EE tutorials I've bookmarked over the years.

There's some pretty old stuff in there, but I often glance at outdated tutorials prior to digging into the latest implementation. I feel it gives me a better understanding as to why things evolved the way they did.

blogRuss: Best of Breed. I like the idea a lot! We'd need a portal that is more organized than jGuru, less commercial than TSS and as clean as iSavvix.

musicAguilera video offends Thailand. No kidding. I've got a title for her new album, Skankville.

microsoftMicrosoft beta test site hacked. Security? We've heard of it…

blogCamWorld: “Are you as confused as I am about the different cell phone technologies between Europe, Asia and the America?”

newsU.S. Embassy to Dmitry Sklyarov: Access denied. Nothing more than bureaucratic BS.

macO'Reilly offers Learning Cocoa with Objective-C. I wonder if Learning Cocoa in Java is going to be updated.

newsJust found out about Google Zeitgeist. Pretty kewl.

javaBig Blue Busting to Break Out WebSphere V5.

newsAndersen fined $500,000. A slap on the wrist. If it wasn't so pathetic it would almost be laughable.

surveySexy Survey: Who's your favorite action flick chick?