Lean & Mean

2 min read

windowsI spent most of yesterday's reinstalling Windows XP on my primary development machine. It never really recovered since the Mozilla attack.

A pretty smooth install overall. Except for one problem with Norton SystemWorks 2002, which took me a little while to isolate.

At least it gave me a chance to clean things up; lean and mean. I like it.

I think it may have been M$ not so subtle way to let me know I needed to get ready for the imminent SP 1 release.

musicIn case you've been living on another planet or something, my girl, Kelly, won. She was on Leno last night, and is doing the morning shows tour. Unfortunately, her voice is completely shot.

javaThe Apache Tomcat team is proud to announce that, after nearly one year of active development, the first stable release of the Tomcat 4.1.x branch has been released.

Over Tomcat 4.0, Tomcat 4.1 includes:

  • JMX based administration features
  • JSP and Struts based administration web application
  • New Coyote HTTP/1.1 connector
  • New Coyote JK2 AJP 1.3 connector
  • Rewritten Jasper JSP page compiler
  • Performance and memory efficiency improvements
  • Enhanced manager application support for integration with development tools
  • Custom Ant tasks to interact with the manager application directly from build.xml scripts
  • Many other miscellaneous improvements

blogAdam Curry: Celebrity Sit-Coms

javaRick has just discovered ProGuard. I've been using it to obfuscate IP Monitor for quite a while now. For our commercial releases we usually use Zelix KlassMaster.

blogRussell is a new Eclipse convert.

I solved my IDE problems a long time ago. I use a combination of Eclipse, IDEA, CodeWarrior and Sun One Studio (formerly known as Forte). As far as text editors: jEdit, UltraEdit, Visual SlickEdit and BBEdit.

They all have pluses and minuses. It all comes down to choosing the best tool for the task at hand.