Where did my music content music go?

1 min read

musicMusic labels are bleeding. Piffle

The music industry reminds me of a dog chasing its tail. Pointless. The slump has very little to do with peer-to-peer music sharing. In the grand schema of things, it is insignificant. The problem lies solely with all the crap being constantly shoved down the audience throat. Given time, they will spit it back.

Yes. I do not buy as many CDs as I once did. The industry is too fickled. Everything is tailored towards teens, which have the attention span of a lollipop. The flavor of the day, no doubt an overnight sensation, will be featured on VH1's One Hit Wonders next week.

Where the hell did my music content go?

I guess I'll have to wait for the next reunion tour to listen to tunes I can actually stomach.

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