Labor Day Diddler

1 min read

holidayThe History of Labor Day.

photosCouple new photo albums: Jake's Christening and BBQ @ Flora

moviesTrailer: The Animatrix.

javaEclipse 2.0.1 released. There's even an unofficial release for Jaguar.

javaJava Tip 131: Make a statement with javac!

A pretty nifty utility whenever in need to quickly execute a few lines of code. It operates pretty much the same way as the MRJ Java Diddler did.

To create a command launcher under OS X issue the following commands from within the directory containing the JavaStatement.class file:

  echo '/usr/bin/java -cp "'$cwd'" JavaStatement' > run.command
  chmod 755 run.command

To execute simply double click on the run.command file.

javaYou may want to check this Eclipse Plugins repository.

newsGet a Tattoo to monitor Diabetes.