Jikes & OS X (II)
1 min read
I upgraded the server to bind 9.2.1 release 1.7x.2 last night.
I voted for Kelly, again. I'm just so predictable.
Is Red Hat the Microsoft of Linux?
RIAA promotes file sharing.
Microsoft: XP SP1 "Within 10 Days"
Shop till you drop. Size does matter.
Microsoft Publishes 272 Windows APIs.
Some problems with Jikes 1.1.6 have been fixed and are available via CVS. Here are the steps I used to compile and install the latest snapshot under OS X 10.1.5:
cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/usr/cvs/jikes login
cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/usr/cvs/jikes checkout jikes
cd jikes
sudo make install
cd ..
rm -rf jikes
The first
command will prompt for a password, simply enter "anoncvs".
Someone has made a patch for Jaguar, but I haven't had a chance to tried it, yet.
The Jakarta Commons BeanUtils version 1.4.1 has been released.
Version 3.4 of the NetBeans IDE has also been released.