Tear this wall down...

<1 min read

Vik asked me an interesting rhetorical question earlier today…

Isn't it funny that we're building a wall around our borders when other countries are taking theirs down?

I'm laughing on the inside.


2 (Closed)

Matthew Cornell

Oct 30, 2006

I agree that it's strange. However, it makes sense: Fences and borders imply fear, and the government (and its propaganda outlets - TV) are all about fear these days. Fear sells and disconnects rational thought. Brilliant, but evil.
Jason Bennett

Oct 30, 2006

Erik, which walls are you referring to that are coming down? Are you referring to the fear of the "Polish Plumber" in Paris, or the fear of Eastern European car mechainics in London? Maybe you mean the naval wall that Europe has created to prevent African refugees from making it across the Med.

I agree the (unfunded) wall is a boondoggle, but let's not pretend we live in an otherwise-wall-less world.