Property File Plug-in for Kobalt

<1 min read

I've published a new plug-in for Cédric's Kobalt build system based on Kotlin.

The PropertyFile plug-in provides an optional task for editing property files. It is inspired by the ant PropertyFile task.

import net.thauvin.erik.kobalt.plugin.propertyfile.*

val bs = buildScript {

val p = project {
    name = "example"

    propertyFile {
       file = ""
       comment = "##Generated file - do not modify!"
       entry(key = "", value = "3")
       entry(key = "", type = Types.INT, operation = Operations.ADD)
       entry(key = "", value = "0")
       entry(key = "" , type = Types.DATE, value = "now")

Documentation and source are on GitHub.