
Twits du Jour

<1 min read

My gadding tweets for November 3, 2008

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Twits Du Jour

<1 min read

My excursive tweets for September 24, 2008

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Say Hello to Amazon Green

<1 min read has launched Amazon Green, a cross-category program that includes a list of products that customers have selected as the best green products offer…

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Blog Action Day: Green Links

<1 min read

Greenpeace: iPhone Not Good For The Environment. Last week's Living with Ed. Our low-flow shower heads: Oxygenics TriSpa and Delta Fluidics. The Smart Power…

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Capitol (RIAA) v. Thomas

<1 min read

Ars technica has pretty good coverage of Capitol Records, et al v. Jammie Thomas; the first RIAA file-sharing suit to actually go in front of a jury.

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Sprint Nextel in Last Place in Satisfaction Survey

<1 min read

Vocal Laboratories has published the results of its 15th quarterly SectorPulse study on the quality of customer service among the USA's largest wireless phon…

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Happy 4th

5 min read

IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one…

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