
Langus Riverfront Park

1 min read

Langus Riverfront Park, a set on Flickr. Nice walk with Kim. Beautiful day too.

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Twits du Jour (Nov 29)

<1 min read

My improvident tweets for November 29, 2012

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Twits du Jour (Oct 15)

<1 min read

My nonchalant tweets for October 15, 2012

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World Economic Freedom: Which Countries Rank the Highest?

2 min read

Once a standard bearer of economic liberty among industrialized nations, the U.S. has dropped to 18th place, its lowest position ever.

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How Much Do Apple, Google, Amazon Spend on Advertising?

2 min read

Google, Amazon and Apple are listed among the six companies with the highest ad-spending growth rates.

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Twits du Jour (May 17)

<1 min read

My heedless tweets for May 17, 2012

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Twits du Jour (May 14)

<1 min read

My haphazard tweets for May 14, 2012

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