
Expletive Deleted

6 min read

[@199] Matt — Matthew Dillon Looses Commit Access to FreeBSD. Russ — The Reviews Start Coming In: Infoworld and CNet on Symbian Phones. Bill — Vatican sounds…

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Movies (2003)

<1 min read

Short reviews of every movie I saw in 2003.

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6 min read

[@198] EdenLib 1.2 Released. Brent — Anyone figure out how to use WebCore? Why Apple is Pulling Away From Microsoft and Can't Afford Not to Do It. Free Fligh…

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Stardate 9657.79

7 min read

[@236] Is there Java at this Macworld Expo? Yes, there is, but it's really only one session in the Developer track. Joe — Struts and the Wafer Project and JB…

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I Can't Drive 55

5 min read

[@269] Learning To SMILe. Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language. File Synchronization With Rsync. Save time on data transfers between hosts with rsync…

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Land 0' Links

6 min read

[@838] Diego — hype the hype. The 10 biggest hype jobs of 2002. Robert — JSP and Zope. Laszlo — java.blogs.bug. I bet Mike's been busy. Dominic — MobileCoder…

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Steak House

2 min read

[@848] The Jakarta Apache Project has released CLI, a simple API for working with command line arguments. Based on werken.opt by Bob Mcwhirter among others….

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