Wi-Fi Day

4 min read


javaJava Tiny Gfx Library, a New OpenSourced Tiny Java Graphics Library.

moblogMartin — All Change to WiFi, Please, All Change… and Where For Art Thou WiFi?

moblogChris — WiFi Anywhere: The Pocket Router.

java blogRusty — Cougaar 1.2 is a memory profiler that is not based on the Java Virtual Machine Profiling Interface (JVMPI).

java blogDaniel — Holiday Pictures.

blogKasia — Best billboard ever.

blogDan — Voice over IP. Or not.

linuxEnd of Life for Red Hat Linux 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 8.0. December 31, 2003.

netCanada says P2P downloading legal. In the same ruling, Canadian copyright regulators also impose a $25 fee on iPod-like MP3 players and say that uploading is prohibited.

mobileWalt Mossberg is down on the new Smartphones. The Wall Street Journal's Walt Mossberg doesn't have many good things to say about Samsung's…

wirelessWiFi cAntenna reviews. Overclockers Club review of two WiFi antennas, the 10-inch cAntenna Deluxe and the 5-inch Mini-Tenna from EtherDesigns.


Wi-Fi Day

java blogRuss — From Amazing to Plumbing: A year of WiFi.

java blogDominic — It's winter, time to Hibernate.


javaTip of the Day: Use Lazy Initialization to Conserve Resources.

blogRuss — Geek TV.

javaJML 4.1_rc4, Java Modeling Language.

javaMacromedia: Java Developers Wanted!

java blogAnil — A Java Wrist Watch.

pcRecord PC shipments in '03. 152 million, strong consumer demand for laptop PCs.

blogDon — Spoofing for Dummies.

moblogMatt — Extending Your Wi-Fi Range: Passive Parabolic Waveguides.

netHow do Internet phone calls work? VoIP explained.

moblogEmily — Cell Phones' Bad Rap.

java blogPatrick — Another Web Framework - Shocks.

netInternet shopping hits new high. Increased by 44% over the past year.

mobileTime to reassess Brew. As Qualcomm gets serious about Europe.

windowsDump Lindows name or we'll take all your money, says MS. Another day, another injunction for Robertson…

moblogDavid — Starbucks and WiFi in the UK.

wirelessAiirnet to blanket US city with Wi-Fi. Hotzone to cover 8.6 square miles.

moblogEwan — Old Computers Don't Die… They Just Upgrade To Wi-Fi.

technologyWorld's Largest Databases Ranked. The world's largest and most hard-working (in terms of load) databases are ranked.

blogRogers — Regular expressions are beautifully ugly.

moblogRafe — Inexplicable WiFi problems?

javajZonic, a Java framework for web-application supporting an XML workflow, XML sitemap management, connection pooling.

javaBeyond MVC: A New Look at the Servlet Infrastructure.