====== Linux Tips and Tricks ====== * [[.:linux:changecase|Changing the case of a variable or filename in a shell script]] * [[.:linux:cisco675:start|Cisco 675 DSL Modem]] * [[.:linux:cisco675:modem|Modem Configuration]] * [[.:linux:cisco675:ping|Ping Test]] * [[.:linux:cisco675:syslog|Syslog Setup]] * [[.:linux:cisco675:tftp|TFTP Upgrade Steps]] * [[.:linux:cpan|CPAN Perl Module Installation]] * [[.:linux:delfiles|Deleting Files]] * [[.:linux:rpmextract|Extracting files from an RPM archive]] * [[.:linux:fixrpmstuck|Fixing a stuck RPM database]] * [[.:linux:gccflagssunos|GCC Compiling Flags for SunOS]] * [[.:linux:toomanyargs|Getting around Too Many Args error]] * [[.:linux:gitsubmodule|Git Submodules: Adding, Using, Removing, Updating]] * [[.:linux:changegroupid|How to change the group of all files owned by that group?]] * [[.:linux:clonelocalgit|How to clone a local git repository to a remote server?]] * [[.:linux:compilesrcpkg|How to compile a source package?]] * [[.:linux:rsyncsymlink|How to copy files and directores to another server while preserving symlinks?]] * [[.:linux:sendmailcfg|How to create a sendmail configuration file?]] * [[.:linux:rhfowarding|How to enable mail forwarding under RedHat?]] * [[.:linux:replacefiles|How to find and replace on many files?]] * [[.:linux:findtar|How to find and tar files?]] * [[.:linux:ssh2dsakey|How to generate an SSH2 DSA key?]] * [[.:linux:roothint|How to generate the root.hint file needed by a DNS server?]] * [[.:linux:findln|How to identify and find Hardlinks?]] * [[.:linux:svnimport|How to import an existing project in Subversion]] * [[.:linux:eccmodules|How to indentify ECC memory modules?]] * [[.:linux:forceinstallpkg|How to install a new package recognized as older?]] * [[.:linux:listpkg|How to list the content of a pakage?]] * [[.:linux:listpci|How to list the PCI devices?]] * [[.:linux:applypatch|How to make and apply a patch?]] * [[.:linux:mountcd|How to mount a CD-ROM?]] * [[.:linux:openlastmod|How to open the last modified file in a directory?]] * [[.:linux:reversedns|How to perform a reverse DNS lookup?]] * [[.:linux:iptablesredir|How to redirect a port using iptables?]] * [[.:linux:reloaddns|How to reload a DNS server?]] * [[.:linux:rmduppkg|How to remove a package installed more than once?]] * [[.:linux:gitpushmultiremote|How to push to multiple remotes with Git?]] * [[.:linux:gitrenametag|How to rename a Git tag?]] * [[.:linux:cleansquid|How to restart Squid with a clean cache?]] * [[.:linux:mailrelay|How to setup a mail relay?]] * [[.:linux:netstat|How to use Netstat?]] * [[.:linux:sshagent|How to use the SSH authentication agent?]] * [[.:linux:noeolvim|How to write a file with no using Vim?]] * [[.:linux:httppost|Quickly Send a HTTP POST Request]] * [[.:linux:rcsref|RCS Command Reference]] * [[.:linux:replacetxtinfiles|Search & Replace Text Accross Multiple Files]] * [[.:linux:selinuxapache|SELinux: Apache Permissions]] * [[.:linux:rmmissingsvn|Remove missing files with SVN]] * [[.:linux:sshtricks|Usefull SSH Tricks]] * [[.:linux:vitricks|Useful VI Tricks]]