====== How to install Eclipse & Aptana Studio on Vista/Windows 7 64-bit? ====== == Installing Eclipse on a 64-bit version of Windows == Only the Eclipse SDK comes in a 64-bit flavor for Windows. One solution is to install the Eclipse SDK, and manually install the plugins for Web, XML and Java development. What I did is install the [[http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/|Eclipse IDE for Java Developer]] (32-bit), and copy the content of the [[http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/|Eclipse SDK]] (64-bit) over it. == Installing the Aptana Studio Plugin on a 64-bit version of Windows == In order to ensure the Aptana Studio plugin works on a 64-bit version of Eclipse, do the following (([[https://aptanastudio.tenderapp.com/faqs/installing-aptana-studio/64-bit-install-win|source]])): * Make sure that a ''JAVA_HOME'' environment variable is set on your system. * To check or add a new environment variable, search for ''environment'' in the ''Start'' menu search box, and select ''Edit environment variables for your account''. * If it does not already exists, add a user variable called ''JAVA_HOME'', pointing to JRE or JDK on your drive, e.g. ''C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16'' or ''C:\Program Files\Java\jre6'' * Make sure the location of the JRE (or JDK) bin directory is your path by adding '';%JAVA_HOME%\bin'' to the ''PATH'' user environment variable. Create a new ''PATH'' variable if it does not already exists. * Download [[http://wiki.mozilla-x86-64.com/Download|XulRunner for Windows x64]]. * Create a ''xulrunner'' directory in your Eclipse installation directory (e.g. ''C:\eclipse''), extract the content of the XulRunner archive in this directory. * Add the following at the end the ''eclipse.ini'' file located in your Eclipse installation directory: -Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.XULRunnerPath=xulrunner * Install the Aptana Plugin using the [[http://www.aptana.org/studio/plugin|standard instructions]].